It is not hard to love someone who takes care of you. When you think about your parents, or your spouse, one of the reasons it is easy to love them is because of all the ways they provide for you. When it comes to taking care of our needs, there is nobody better to look to than God!
God knows each of our needs, better than we know them. Consider the words of Matthew 6:8, “...for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” What a source of comfort it should be to have a Father who knows what we need in life before we even think to ask on our own! I know there are many times in my life that I don’t know what I need, how wonderful it is to serve a God who knows exactly what is needed.
Knowing that God is ready and willing to take care of me causes me to love him all the more! One of the common feelings in life is worry. As humans, we worry about many things, often times needlessly. Often times we find ourselves worrying about our jobs, our finances, or our health. Consider what Matthew 6:25-27, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they?” If God is so good as to take care of the birds, we can know he will take care of us also! What a great comfort and blessing!
Friends, we should love God for many reasons! Certainly the very fact that he provides for our needs is a great reason to love our Heavenly Father. Our love and thankfulness for his provisions should cause us to have a deep devotion to Him. Our love for God is tied directly to our obedience to Him (John 14:15). If your obedience to God was used as a barometer to measure your love for Him, how would it measure up.
Let us each strive to love God more each day as we show our thankfulness for His provision!
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